
New!!行健太極拳招生通告-Taichiquan Student Recruitment

宗岳門-行健館招生通告 Student Recruitment Notice


Address: No.21, Yuanping St., Zhongli City, Taoyuan County 320, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Schedule Time: Saturday morning 10:00-12:00 from 2009 Feb.28.
特別報導: 從2月起,將每週六提供11:30到12:00免費體驗課程一次, 欲參加者請於上課前2天以電話或email告知.
Special News! Xing-Jian Class will provide the free class for once per person on every Saturday morning from 11:30 to 12:00. We will introduce the basic movement of Taiji (Taichi) in that class. Please inform the master 2days before the class by phone or email if you want to have this class.
收費標準: 月繳:4次上課,1次可請假權力:NT2,500 季繳:13次上課,4次可請假權力:NT7,000
(年費已包含於學費中) 服裝:NT1,500 (一次性費用)
Tuition: Monthly: 4times of practice, 1 time right for personal leave: NT2,500 Quartely: 13times of practice, 4 times right for personal leave: NT7,000
(The annual fee is including) Clothes: NT1,500 (one time payment) PS:
請假:需於上課前至少一天前告知教練方能補課 personal leave need to inform the master at least one day before the class for making up a missing lesson in future.
Contact window:
唐靖 Jim Tang email: jimtang0414@gmail.com cell-phone: 0932-243-759