
2008 Oct. & Nov. Practice Schedule

10/7, 10/14, 10/21, 10/28晚上7:30~9:30
10月將維持每週二提供9:30到10:00免費體驗課程一次, 欲參加者請於上課前2天以電話或email告知.
11月的練習因唐靖老師訂結婚的關係, 將暫停11月的練習. 12月練習日期將待11月底會在網上公布

The practice schedule in Oct. 2008 is as below: 10/7, 10/14, 10/21, 10/28, Tuesday Evening 7:30PM~9:30PM Xing-Jian Class will keep providing the free-experience class on every Tuesday Evening from 9:30 to 10:00. We will introduce the basic movement of Taiji (Taichi) in that class. Please inform the master 2 days before the class by phone or email if you want to join this class.

We will postpone the Nov practice to Dec due to Master Jim Tang's wedding preparation.
I will announce the Dec. practice schedule in the end of Nov.