內家拳術強調"內三合與外三合",所謂的內三合是內裡的功夫 ,指的是精氣神,外形上看不出來,先不去論它。外三合是指"手與腳合,肘與膝合,肩與胯合"。就字面上來說,外三合十分易懂,只要我們遵循它的要求進行就可以了。不過事實上,外三合需經由特殊的練習方式來達成。
Internal Martial Art (for example: Taiji) emphasize that people need to check when practicing are "3 combinations inside and 3 combinations outside". The "3 combinations inside" check inside human body, and that can't be seen by our body.
Here we just discuss the "3 combinations outside". The 1st one is to keep leg follow the hand. The 2nd is to keep the elbow work together with knee. The 3rd one is to keep the shoulder work with hipbone.
Most Chinese Martial Art practice this by motionless stand, and the most important stand is "San Ti". Due to short of motion practice of "San Ti" to keep the 3 combinations outside, many people only can follow the 3 combinations outside when stop. When they move, the whole body can't follow to rule. Some people might said that can still work. We know that can work when the opponent don't know how to defense, but for people who practice the martial art for years. That would be a dangerous thing. When we do thing without 3 combinations outside, that means we ask our opponent to attack us by our mistake.
The way we practice 3 combinations outside is easy. It looks like walking. The key point is follow the rule and use the "Pian Xuan" to rotate our body when we move.
外三合--3 combinations Outside
太極拳的落空技術-Hollow out opponent attack
Taichi (Taiji) has a specific skill of how to avert the opponent attack which was called "Luo Kong". "Luo" means fall down, and "Kong" means empty. This specific skill is from a poem Attack Song : Drive attack inside and fall into empty; Close (or Merge) for drive inside out finally.
Base on the main instruction as Attack Song, ZongYue Taichi inist that "Luo Kong" should drive the opponent's power into our body at first step (before "Luo Kong")not outside our body.
Here we use Master Ye's explanation. When we drive the opponent's power in, we have to drive that power (or attack) to our clothes or our body withour any energy try to affect the direction. Other Taichi school will teach people to use energy to keep opponent's power out of our bodies, that also make sense when we use leverage to do so. The only difference between those two method is when we don't try to affect our opponent's power, our opponent won't feel what we try to do. That means, "Luo Kong" will really work to let they feel like we just disappear when they touch us.
What I mean disappear is not real disappear, it's a feeling. OK, for example. When will people fall down? When people think they can walk on the ground but the ground just become air then they will fall down.
That's what we try to do in ZongYue Taichi.
Of course, "Luo Kong" has a SOP (standard operation procedure) to follow. The first one is to control our shoulder sink (or fall). It's hard to discribe by word. That should be teached by master. For my personal experience, almost everyone can learn that. The problem to use that is people will forget to do so when they don't practice that become their auto-reaction.
「連環」是由兩個斜角方位的「環」所組成,宗岳門所有的手法都在這兩個環內操作,任何動作不得離開環位。在這兩個斜角環之外的其他所有手或身體的繞圈動作,宗岳門都不稱為「環」而稱為「圈」,宗岳門只使用「環」作戰,絕不使用圈作戰。因此「宗岳連環」和其他全世界武術的 「連環」都不同,才特稱為 「宗岳連環」。 --宗岳門主網站葉老師

行健太極拳招生通告-Taichiquan Student Recruitment
Student Recruitment Notice
Posititon: No.141, Guangjhou Rd., Jhongli City, Taoyuan County 320, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Schedule Time: Tuesday Evening 7:30-9:30 from 2008 Sep.
服裝:NT1,500 (一次性費用)
Monthly: 4times of practice, 1 time right for personal leave: NT2,500
Quartely: 13times of practice, 4 times right for personal leave: NT7,000
Clothes: NT1,500 (one time payment)
PS: 請假:需於上課前至少一天前告知教練方能補課
personal leave need to inform the master at least one day before the class for making up a missing lesson in future.
Practice palm motion- 4 levels-4th level 宗岳掌法的四個等級-4
斜角旋轉型掌法」是以揉掌法為根基,將採掌、列臂、肘尖、靠肩,依序全部進入斜角環位內,利用採列肘靠入斜角環,而帶動身步的指領式掌法,這種掌法是太 極祖師王宗岳祖師所訂定的太極拳標準技法,這是一種滔滔不絕的「旋轉技」,「旋轉技」讓武者在作戰時,能夠像波濤一般滾動旋轉,這樣的技術理論是王宗岳祖 師在太極拳中最早提出來的,所以是王宗岳太極拳的獨門技法。
In ZongYue style palm movement, we move our body from fingers, palm, elbow, and shoulder into correct positon "Huan". Huan is a pronounce of Chinese, and that means a track of circle. In ZongYue Taichi, we have a specific definition of Huan.
That kind of movement will keep our body spin and move circly around our opponent's body.
「斜角旋轉型掌法」是王宗岳太極拳方位技術的展現,王宗岳太極拳有自己獨特而且具有標準模組的斜角「旋轉原理」,讓太極拳能夠自然旋轉,這也是很多外門太 極拳不會旋轉而王宗岳太極拳會旋轉的原因,大家在分辨王宗岳太極拳和其他太極拳的時候,只要看他是否以「斜角旋轉型掌法」來用技就可以很簡單分辨出來。
This kind of skill is not so hard to learn, and once we realize that skill, people will not want to fight with a lot of hand power. Hand power is not necesary for this skill. So we need to learn this kind of skill for using Taichi to combat with whole body releaxing. We could use if people use this kind of palm movement to tell what kind of Taichi they practice. ZongYue Taichi will always practice with rotate-body style palm movement.
Practice palm motion- 4 levels-3rd level 宗岳掌法的四個等級-3
但是由於「避正打斜型掌法」只能用掌法帶動身體作出避正打斜,無法用掌法帶出步法,步法也無法進入斜角而成為環步,所以在技術上仍然受限很多。由於掌法帶 不出步法,所以在走步時就容易施展力量,如果技術不能向無力技術去要求,就會倒退回腳底領勁,和強調剛柔並濟的偏差之路。
內家拳本是「掌為先、以指掌領身步」,但「避正打斜型掌法」由於無法用掌法帶出步法,所以練得不精或練錯時,會強調「步為先」,或強調用「腳底湧泉帶動身 手」,變成以腳領身手的「逆練太極」,當然太極是不能逆練的,逆練之後就會變成故意打得軟軟,又強調剛柔並濟的半調子外家拳。
The 3rd level of palm motion is to turn our body for following the palm motion to avoid resist with our opponent.
The key point for this level to keep body follow the palm motion. I know a lot of different Taichi school will teach something like to turn the body first.
Please think about when a bad guy try to punch us, our first reaction is use our hand to grap that without any trainning. So, please follow the hand, not the body.
So, the palm motion need to keep no resist with opponent sequentially move by palm, elbow, then body.
Practice palm motion- 4 levels-2nd level 宗岳掌法的四個等級-2
這四種掌法中,以「正面揉掌型掌法」為最初等初級,基本上能夠學到揉掌的掌法,已經算是入內家之門了,因為揉掌的掌法算是無力技術的掌法,如果在自己練習 不受外力阻礙時,這種掌法不但是無力掌法,還是採列肘都入斜角的掌法。只是當敵人的力量向我衝入時,這種「正面揉掌型掌法」一但受到外力,列肘便受阻擋而 無法進入斜角,如果硬要進入斜角就會變成用力的有力技術了,所以這種掌法基本上仍然是作為基礎練而不用的。
The 2nd level is to keep the middle point of the forearm fixed.
The movement will become elbow up, palm down. That is a big difference with the original palm movement.
However, this type will still use the power to resist our opponent when you contact with your opponent. That's why we need to learn the 3rd level, to turn your body.
Practice palm motion - 4 levels-1st level 宗岳掌法的四個等級-1
For this series, I will not have the Chinese article due to the voice in the vodeo is Chinese.
The performer is Mr. Lee. He also practices ZongYue Taichi.
Dear all,
We all know that people who practice Taichi should practice without tight power.
But how many people know that we need to learn the 4 levels of palm-process (fighting skill)
The 1st level is the original track for using human hand.
We keep elbow fixed to move the hand.
That is only for explanation of motion, not for practice.
This kind of motion will use power to resist with opponent.
Actually, we need to avert this kind of motion if we really want to learn the Taichi for self-defense.
ZongYue Taichi 宗岳門太極拳
Zong-Yue Taichi 宗岳門太極拳
Although my master request me to teach Taichi and put that on-line since 2007, I still keep silence due to I feel that I am not in that level to teach. Yesterday is a perfect day for me to restart my Taichi practice. My mind just changed and believe that good things should share with other people. That's why I have this blog.
Since Jan-2008, I started to teach this with two of my friends. They enhence their skill in push hand and even more for release their body when practice. That's what I really want to see.
Friends, hope you can get what you want of Taichi from here.
雖然我的老師(葉金山葉老師)從去年(2007)就不斷的要我們這批學生開始去教拳, 昨天我重新檢視我的太極拳, 我忽然想通了, 好的東西就應該和大家分享, 所以有了這個BLOG的存在
從今年的一月開始, 我開始用宗岳門的教學方式來指導兩位我的朋友, 雖然只經過了短時間的練習, 他們對推手及太極拳所要求的放鬆都有了長足的進步