
Practice palm motion- 4 levels-3rd level 宗岳掌法的四個等級-3


但是由於「避正打斜型掌法」只能用掌法帶動身體作出避正打斜,無法用掌法帶出步法,步法也無法進入斜角而成為環步,所以在技術上仍然受限很多。由於掌法帶 不出步法,所以在走步時就容易施展力量,如果技術不能向無力技術去要求,就會倒退回腳底領勁,和強調剛柔並濟的偏差之路。

內家拳本是「掌為先、以指掌領身步」,但「避正打斜型掌法」由於無法用掌法帶出步法,所以練得不精或練錯時,會強調「步為先」,或強調用「腳底湧泉帶動身 手」,變成以腳領身手的「逆練太極」,當然太極是不能逆練的,逆練之後就會變成故意打得軟軟,又強調剛柔並濟的半調子外家拳。


The 3rd level of palm motion is to turn our body for following the palm motion to avoid resist with our opponent.
The key point for this level to keep body follow the palm motion. I know a lot of different Taichi school will teach something like to turn the body first.

Please think about when a bad guy try to punch us, our first reaction is use our hand to grap that without any trainning. So, please follow the hand, not the body.

So, the palm motion need to keep no resist with opponent sequentially move by palm, elbow, then body.
