斜角旋轉型掌法」是以揉掌法為根基,將採掌、列臂、肘尖、靠肩,依序全部進入斜角環位內,利用採列肘靠入斜角環,而帶動身步的指領式掌法,這種掌法是太 極祖師王宗岳祖師所訂定的太極拳標準技法,這是一種滔滔不絕的「旋轉技」,「旋轉技」讓武者在作戰時,能夠像波濤一般滾動旋轉,這樣的技術理論是王宗岳祖 師在太極拳中最早提出來的,所以是王宗岳太極拳的獨門技法。
In ZongYue style palm movement, we move our body from fingers, palm, elbow, and shoulder into correct positon "Huan". Huan is a pronounce of Chinese, and that means a track of circle. In ZongYue Taichi, we have a specific definition of Huan.
That kind of movement will keep our body spin and move circly around our opponent's body.
「斜角旋轉型掌法」是王宗岳太極拳方位技術的展現,王宗岳太極拳有自己獨特而且具有標準模組的斜角「旋轉原理」,讓太極拳能夠自然旋轉,這也是很多外門太 極拳不會旋轉而王宗岳太極拳會旋轉的原因,大家在分辨王宗岳太極拳和其他太極拳的時候,只要看他是否以「斜角旋轉型掌法」來用技就可以很簡單分辨出來。
This kind of skill is not so hard to learn, and once we realize that skill, people will not want to fight with a lot of hand power. Hand power is not necesary for this skill. So we need to learn this kind of skill for using Taichi to combat with whole body releaxing. We could use if people use this kind of palm movement to tell what kind of Taichi they practice. ZongYue Taichi will always practice with rotate-body style palm movement.
Practice palm motion- 4 levels-4th level 宗岳掌法的四個等級-4
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