In today's practice, we add one new item, "slash the backsword". The movement of slash the backsword includes the chop and lunge. This practice shows simuliar requirements as power push. (Actually not real power push, it's a energy flow push; but it shows like a very powerful push.) 接下來我們進入另一個我們宗岳門非常重要的一個練習,返身大纏。 返身大纏是使用空間技術去引化對手攻擊最大的引勁落空技術,在這個運行模式下的任一個點都是可以隨時因敵勁消失而反制對手的,凡學宗岳門太極拳者皆需多加練習。
The other main practice today is a very important skill, "Turn-back Body Grand Twist Skill". This one need us to use the space skill to absorb opponent's attack power directly (Luo Kong). In this tracking movement, we can return back to attack our opponents once his or her attack power is empty by the Luo Kong skill. Students in Zongyue Taiji (Taichi) school should practice this more.
4/26的練習: practice on 4/26
2008 May Practice Schedule
5/3, 5/10, 5/17, 5/24, 5/31 上午10:30~12:00
從5月起,將每週六提供10:00到10:30免費體驗課程一次, 參與該課程者在課程結束後可觀摩課程教學至12:00,於正式上課期間,參觀者請勿打斷上課過程, 欲參加者請於上課前3天告知.
The practice schedule in May 2008 is as below:
5/3, 5/10, 5/17, 5/24, 5/31 Saturday Morning 10:30~12:00
Special News!
Xing-Jian Class will provide the free class for once per person on every Saturday morning from 10:00 to 10:30.
We will introduce the basic movement of Taiji (Taichi) in that class. After class, visitor can keep stay in the classroom until 12:00 but the visitor can't ask questions in the regular class.
Please inform the master 3 days before the class if you want to have this class.
內三合:3 combinations inside
內家拳術強調"內三合與外三合",所謂的內三合是內裡的功夫 ,指的是心與意合,意與氣合及氣與力合。 這裡粗淺的解說這三者分別是指什麼。
Internal Martial Art (for example: Taiji) emphasize that people need to check when practicing are "3 combinations inside and 3 combinations outside". The "3 combinations inside" check 3 different ways.
1st is to keep the Mind follow the Consciousness.
2nd is to keep the Consciousness follow the Chi.
3rd is to keep the Chi match with the Energy.
心與意合,心是指心裡所想的思想,意是指控制身上的意念,心與意合,白話來說,就是心裡所想的和身上的動作是吻合的。 這需要透過長時間的練習才能讓人想的和做的一致。
To keep the Mind follow the Consciousness.
Mind means what people thought. Consciousness point to the opinion which control our body movement. Simply say, what we thought should match what we do (movement). That will take time to practice.
Do not think other things when we do something. For example, do not consider anything excluded walking when you are walking. Jusk think about what we are doing now.
To keep the Consciousness follow the Chi. The consciousness here means not only opinions which control our bodies but also the body movements. Chi means the special way we breath when we practice Taichi. The whole thing just point out we need to keep our movement follow and match the breath.
To keep Chi match with the Energy.
The energy means the special position in which our body movement can gain the maximum energy (force). The movment which was lead by breath need to follow the special force track to produce the maxium energy (force).
In generally speaking, 3 combinations inside is a guildline of body movement. What we think need to match what we do, and what we do need to match the breath; the breath conduct the movement must follow the special move track to produce the power, energy, force.
4/19的練習: practice on 4/19
4/19 practice focus on Down-Turn Elbow. Down-Turn Elbow is one of ZongYue Taiji Luo Kong skills. Please check the article of "Hollow out opponent attack".
Down-Turn Elbow is used when the direction of the opponent attack is from Upside to downside. This week we practice this skill for details. Next week we will focus on Turn-Body-Grand-tackle.
4/12的練習: practice on 4/12
2008 April Schedule
4/5, 4/12, 4/19, 4/26
The practice schedule in April 2008 is as below:
4/5, 4/12, 4/19, 4/26
Saturday Morning 10:30~12:00
太極拳論video-1 : Taijiquan Theory Video-1
This is the video-1 of Taijiquan Theory by Master Ye.
I will translate that to English soon.
太極拳論Taijiquan Theory- Core Principle
Taijiquan Theory appeared in Ching Dynasty from Wu Taiji school's funder, Yu-xiang Wu. Master Wu told us that essay was found from a historic spot. The author of the article is Wang, ZongYue. Because Mr. Wang, ZongYue's Taijiquan Theory Essay provide the Taiji main structure and movement principle, we call our school as ZongYue Taiji (Taichi) to commemorate him.
I will put the video that was explanation of Taijiquan Theory Essay by Master Ye. I will also try to translate to English, but if foreigner want to learn Taijiquan, to learn Chinese might help a lot when learning Taijiquan.