In today's practice, we add one new item, "slash the backsword". The movement of slash the backsword includes the chop and lunge. This practice shows simuliar requirements as power push. (Actually not real power push, it's a energy flow push; but it shows like a very powerful push.) 接下來我們進入另一個我們宗岳門非常重要的一個練習,返身大纏。 返身大纏是使用空間技術去引化對手攻擊最大的引勁落空技術,在這個運行模式下的任一個點都是可以隨時因敵勁消失而反制對手的,凡學宗岳門太極拳者皆需多加練習。
The other main practice today is a very important skill, "Turn-back Body Grand Twist Skill". This one need us to use the space skill to absorb opponent's attack power directly (Luo Kong). In this tracking movement, we can return back to attack our opponents once his or her attack power is empty by the Luo Kong skill. Students in Zongyue Taiji (Taichi) school should practice this more.
4/26的練習: practice on 4/26
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